Wednesday 13 February 2013

February 1-10

February 2nd
I found this while walking home from taking photos of the 2013 Environmental Sciences Symposium. It was a long day, and although I loved doing it, I was yearning for a creative opportunity to express my feelings of the day, and the past week. I found it, and somehow found the courage to trespass onto someone's driveway and stand what was for me, a weirdly uncomfortable distance from their car. Really glad I did.

February 7

I should go to more art exhibits. I would likely do so in hopes that I would suck up some of the articstic talent I see because if I could make something beautiful with my hands instead of the click of a shutter I would really be pleased. The last time i attempted to create something of this nature without the assistance of technology, I was asked "How old were you when you made this?" a few months later. I answered, and to the person's surprise, I did not respond with age 5 or 6. Awkwardness ensued.
I attended an art exhibit this past week entitled "rewritten" (with artwork by Savannah Snook and Mary Stoyke). A few of the pieces encouraged you to interact, which is what I did. Through such interaction I found the beauty that is the photo below. Everyone had taken their turn writing their message, and I was lucky enough to find where my dear friend and roommate had left her mark (Colleen Lovegood). I immediately felt the urge to convey a vintage feeling.
There was also a balloon tree in which you could lie underneath. This was absolute bliss, regrettably I didn't ask anyone to pose for a photo to capture its complete glory.

February 9
The theme of this day was: Life is good. It may have been influenced by the fact that it was my birthday, but regardless, it seemed that the bustle of downtown Guelph was particularly joyful when Jodi and I took a nice little stroll there on Saturday. It may have been that there was snow on the ground and the sun was shining and that you could have easily walked around without a jacket. It definitely had something to do with The Beatles' music blaring over at the outdoor skating rink in front of city hall.
I had seen this particular scene (a bunch of junk by the side of the road downtown) about a week ago and desperately tried to capture it's beauty on a rainy night. I was unimpressed with the way the photos turned out later, and to be honest, I was a little bit bummed to realize that I could not recreate the vision in my mind. Little did I know I would return a week later and it would be like this, practically waiting for me, bike included. It's like someone knew I was coming and placed the mannequin on the bike just for me. I passed by the next day and the bike was gone.

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