Thursday 18 April 2013

Shutter-Finger Fuel

It has become clear to me the kind of style I am creating for myself as an artist. Calling myself a real artist is terrifying. The first time I had to do this was yesterday when I made a facebook page for my Photography (also terrifying... but you can go to it here and LIKE IT: I have only ever referred to my photos as "my art", but never to myself as "an artist". Anyway, here are a few of my favourite things to admire through my lens.

First up, rain/puddles/reflections. Yes. I can't get enough. Especially at night time. Every streetlight I pass in the rain begs me to take its photo.

This might be my favourite from this whole blog post.
Second is street art, of any and all kinds. Especially when there are words, whether they make sense and resonate with me or not.

Here are some I took in the beautiful city of Montreal:

Google Translator tells me this means blah. I'm happy about this.

This was beside a washer/dryer repair shop called "Elvis" (if I remember correctly...). You can't see it but behind the fence were a bunch of beaten down washers and dryers. What better place to keep them than in the back alley of your establishment?

Outside a french fry shop with a little garden :)

And from Guelph:

Oh, I guess number three would be stairs, evidently.

and fire escapes as a sub-category of stairs.




More shots from Montreal (until we get to obsession number 5):

Bonjour, monsieur. This fella was about a foot from me.
Oh hi there! I'm thankful he was a nice french squirrel. Without rabies.

FIVE: Benches. I love me a good bench shot.

Six: hands. I don't actually understand this fascination. It's pretty ironic because there's nothing I hate more than hand model photos. I think I'm more drawn to how people express themselves with their hands. I love how it goes hand in hand (HA.) with how they're feeling or what they're doing. Hands tell a story.

This isn't the best representation of the love I have for photos of hands, but I'm sticking to April photos so far. It's still a major component and makes the composition of this photo that much better.

There's likely more to this list but it's a good summary, considering all of these are from the first half of April. Tells ya what's on my mind I guess... 

As for the rest of life seen through my eyes....

Guelph got hit with an ice storm...

aaaaaaand Colleen and I went for a bike ride :)

I also learned about roller derby.

And my last point of the day, essentially unrelated to anything else.... is that friends make the best bookmarks. :)


PS: after looking at all my outdoor photos from this month, I am increasingly convinced that B&W are cameras' ways of making early spring look beautiful. (before there are flowers, and while everything still looks sad)

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