Sunday 2 June 2013

Emily and Matt are Engaged!

What many would argue is the couple of the century are ENGAGED. Woohoo! I could not be more happy for them. I've known Emily and Matt for a long time, so when I heard the news that they were finally engaged I was super excited.

I knew immediately that I wanted to take photos for them, but admittedly, I was nervous to ask. I was worried: What if they want someone with more experience? What if I ask to take photos for them and they don't turn out? What if I'm awkward? (Mind you, I worry about this one every day, so for that to come up was expected) etc. It didn't take me long to realize that these were thoughts everyone gets but with the progress I made in the past few months, I had no reason in the world not to try. Baby steps toward some big future goals that I myself have not even fully developed.

When I got the courage up to write Emily a message offering to do so, I wrote it and then let it sit. Even though they're friends of mine, I was still providing them a service. I wanted to make sure it was just right. I wanted them to be happy and confident choosing me. As it turned out, in the end, I didn't even have to worry. I got a message from Emily asking me to take their engagement photos on the exact same day. She beat me to it. I was so excited I did a little hop and yelled "wooo!" out loud... okay okay, I don't exactly remember doing this, but I would imagine it was something to this effect.

Here are my favourite shots from the day. Maybe we will have another shoot in the future... WITH a rowboat this time. :)

That pesky branch was in the way, but I still love this one!

Just some casual serenading.

Em's a beaut, even out of focus.

I cannot put into words how lucky I feel that I know these two. If there is anything in my life telling me that things are timed out and happen the way they do for a reason, this was it. I hope that everyone can see just how much love these two have for each other, and if you don't believe it from my photos you'll only have to wait 3ish more months until you see it for real! Congratulations Em and Matt! ....and THANK YOU!


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